Allen Morris, Chairman & CEO at The Allen Morris Company, Episode 159

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Allen Morris joined his father at The Allen Morris Company in 1980 at the age of 28. Since then, his company has developed 85+ successful award-winning commercial and mixed-use projects with $8.025 billion in business volume. Their portfolio of development projects includes the Florida headquarters for AT&T and multiple district headquarters for Bell South, Florida Power and Light, IBM, Unisys, International Harvester, General Motors Acceptance Corporation, and Lockheed Martin, amongst others. Allen believes his company's legacy of success is due to its unwavering commitment to placing the client's needs first, guaranteeing satisfaction, and delivering what they promise.

I’m excited to be talking to Allen about his recently published book, All In: How to Risk Everything for Everything that Matters, which he wrote as a roadmap for how men can achieve greater effectiveness, fulfillment, and influence when they allow themselves to be vulnerable. He shares what happened when he had a serious accident flying an airplane and why it inspired him to really make his life count. Allen also discusses the connection between old wounds and intense emotions and why understanding that connection is so impactful for inspiring leaders.

“I should not have survived an engine failure at night in an airplane over a wooded residential area — and it gave me a seriousness about wanting to really make my life count and to use my days as best I could.” - Allen Morris

“We can lose our connection to the truth about ourselves and those around us because we've shut out our awareness of emotions.” - Allen Morris

“Old Wounds and intense emotions have a profound, lifelong influence on our lives that we may not realize.” -  Allen Morris

This Week on The Wow Factor:

  • Why Allen found his calling in the family business despite initially seeing it as a stepping stone to other opportunities

  • How Allen’s father built the Allen Morris Company

  • How the business has grown and evolved over the years

  • Some obstacles to a leader’s personal success and what Allen has learned from his own leadership experience

  • How Allen got burned out when he overcommitted, the physical symptoms it produced, and how he got to the heart of the issue

  • Why our subconscious is actually outside of our everyday awareness

  • Allen’s experience of going to AA meetings and how they helped him despite him NOT being an alcoholic

  • The value Allen finds in taking part in a circle of grace, creating a space of safety, and being honest with no judgment

  • Why people can be so defensive about change

Allen Morris’ Word of Wisdom:

Anyone aspiring to be an influential leader understands that it's got to start with you. You need to discover what is holding you back personally and where you can grow more deeply and find more freedom in your personal life because what happens there will be reflected in your business. 

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